
Specifically, I have my environments setup, and they are working fine for the application.php config file, however the database.php config file seems to have no effect.


Does Laravel not support environment based database settings? or am I doing this wrong?


You can definitely set database settings (and any other config setting) by environment.

For Laravel 3 (for Laravel 4 and Laravel 5 see below):


$environments = array(
  'development' => array('*.dev'),
  'production' => array('*.com'),

Laravel will automatically look for this variable, and if set, will use the associated configuration.


现在只需为你计划使用的每Laravel_Env个文件夹创建一个新文件夹(比如开发).你会得到这样的文件夹 struct ;


You'll note I've only included database.php in each subfolder. Laravel will always load the default config settings first, then override them with any custom configs from the environments setting.

Finally, in your development/database file, you would have something like this;

 return array(
'default' => 'mysql'

p.s. I just tested this on the current 3.2.12 build of Laravel - and it definitely works.

Bonus Tip: You can also automatically set an environment for Artisan, so you do not have to include the environment manually on each command line! To do this:

  1. You need to know your 'hostname' that you are running Artisan on. To find out - temporarily edit the artisan.php in your root folder, and add var_dump(gethostname()); to line 2 (i.e. above everything).

  2. 从命令行运行php artisan.您将获得一个包含您的主机名的字符串转储.在我的 case 中是"TSE-Win7";

  3. 删除对artisan.php文件的更改

  4. 将主机名(即"TSE-Win7")添加到环境中.


$environments = array(
  'development' => array('*.dev', 'TSE-Win7'),
  'production' => array('*.com'),

Artisan will now run using your development environment. If you deploy to a live server - re-run these steps to get the hostname() for the server, and you can configure a specific artisan config just for the server!

For Laravel 4:

The default environment is always production. But in your start.php file you can define additional environments.

 $env = $app->detectEnvironment(array(
   'local' => array('your-machine-name'),

On Linux and Mac, you may determine your hostname by type hostname in your terminal - it will output the name of your computer. On Windows put dd(gethostname()); at the beginning of your routes.php file - and run the website once - it will show you the current hostname of your computer.

To get the current environment as a variable in your application.读这篇文章,在这里回答.Laravel 4: how can I get the environment value?

For Laravel 5:

There is single configuration file, called .env in your root directory. Watch this laracast, config explained fully.



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