The Cache class in laravel has methods such as get('itemKey') to retrieve items from the cache, and remember('itemKey', ['myData1', 'myData2']) to save items in the cache.




    'itemKey' => [
   'myKey' => 'foo'

The only way I can think of doing this is to loop through all possible key names using the Cache::has() method. i.e. aaa, aab, aac, aad... but of course, this is not a solution.

I can't see anything in the documentation or the API that describes a function like this, but I don't think its unreasonable to believe that one must exist.


使用Cache facade无法做到这一点.它的界面代表all个底层存储提供的功能,有些存储不允许列出所有密钥.

If you're using the FileCache, you could try to achieve that by interacting with the underlying storage directly. It doesn't offer the method you need, so you'll need to iterate through the cache directory. It won't be too efficient due to a lot of disk I/O that might need to happen.

In order to access the storage, you need to do

$storage = Cache::getStore(); // will return instance of FileStore
$filesystem = $storage->getFilesystem(); // will return instance of Filesystem

$keys = [];
foreach ($filesystem->allFiles('') as $file1) {
  foreach ($filesystem->allFiles($file1) as $file2) {
    $keys = array_merge($keys, $filesystem->allFiles($file1 . '/' . $file2));


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