I want to create an Array of objects with a specific number of elements in Kotlin, the problem is I don't now the current values for initialization of every object in the declaration, I tried:

var miArreglo = Array<Medico>(20, {null})

in Java, I have this and is exactly what I want, but i need it in Kotlin. :

Medico[] medicos = new Medico[20];

for(int i = 0 ; i < medicos.length; i++){
    medicos[i] = new Medico();


What would be the Kotlink equivalent of the above Java code?

Also, I tried with:

var misDoctores = arrayOfNulls<medic>(20)

for(i in misDoctores ){
    i = medic()

But I Android Studio show me the message: "Val cannot be reassigned"


The Kotlin equivalent of that could would be this:

val miArreglo = Array(20) { Medico() }

But I would strongly advice you to using Lists in Kotlin because they are way more flexible. In your case the List would not need to be mutable and thus I would advice something like this:

val miArreglo = List(20) { Medico() }

以上两个片段很容易解释.第一个参数是obviously,即Java中的ArrayList大小,第二个是lambda函数,即init { ... }函数.init { ... }函数可以由某种操作组成,最后一个值始终是返回类型和返回值,即在本例中是Medico对象.

我还 Select 使用val而不是var,因为ListArray不应该重新分配.如果您想编辑您的List,请改用MutableList.

val miArreglo = MutableList(20) { Medico() }

You can edit this list then, e.g.:




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