
val rollDice = { min: Int, max: Int -> (min..max).random() }


val rollDice = { min: Int = 1, max: Int = 12 -> (min..max).random() }

Unexpected tokens (use ';' to separate expressions on the same line)

Is it not possible to assign default values to parameters in lambda expressions in Kotlin?


TLDR: Lambda expressions cannot have default parameters. If you need them, you should declare a function (can be locally inside another function).


1. Overloaded functions

When defining function overloads manually (the Java way), it's possible to not just call the function with any allowed argument number, but also store the function reference in a type using any argument number.

fun overload(min: Int, max: Int) = (min..max).random()
fun overload(min: Int) = overload(min, 12)
fun overload() = overload(1, 12)

// Calling is possible with all numbers of arguments, and naming ones at the end
overload(3, 4)
overload(3, max=4)
overload(min=3, max=4)

// Intuitively, all 3 ways of storing work:
val f: (Int, Int) -> Int = ::overload
val g: (Int) -> Int = ::overload
val h: () -> Int = ::overload

// On the other hand, this does NOT compile because of ambiguity:
val i = ::overload

2. Functions with default parameters

More idiomatic in Kotlin is the use of default parameters. While this seems to be mostly equivalent to overloaded functions, it's not. The notable difference is: only a single function is declared, and type inference will consider different argument counts only when calling the function, but not when storing it via function reference.

fun default(min: Int = 1, max: Int = 12) = (min..max).random()

// Calling is possible exactly like overloaded functions
default(3, 4)
default(3, max=4)
default(min=3, max=4)

// No ambiguity, f and g have the same type (all parameters)
val f = ::default
val g: (Int, Int) -> Int = ::default

// However, storing in a function type taking fewer arguments is NOT possible
val h: (Int) -> Int = ::default
val i: () -> Int = ::default

3. Anonymous functions

Anonymous functions allow no default parameters even in the declaration, so there's only one way of calling them. Furthermore, the variable storing them is of function type, which loses information about the parameter names and thus prevents a call with named arguments.

val anonymous = fun(min: Int, max: Int) = (min..max).random()
val anonymous: (Int, Int) -> Int = fun(min: Int, max: Int) = (min..max).random()

// Only one way to call
anonymous(3, 4)

// No ambiguity, f and g have the same (full type)
val f = anonymous
val g: (Int, Int) -> Int = anonymous

// Mistake, which compiles: this declares h as a *property*,
// with type KProperty<(Int, Int) -> Int>
val h = ::anonymous

// Calling with named arguments is NOT possible
anonymous(3, 4)         // OK
anonymous(min=3, max=4) // error

4. Lambda expressions

Like anonymous functions, lambda expressions allow no default parameters and cannot be called with named arguments. Since they are stored immediately as a function type like (Int, Int) -> Int, they undergo the same restrictions as function types referring to actual functions.


// OK:
val lambda = { min: Int, max: Int -> (min..max).random() }
val lambda2: (Int, Int) -> Int = { min, max -> (min..max).random() }

// Type inference fails:
val lambda3 = { min, max -> (min..max).random() }


  • Allows declaration and calling of default parameters
  • 允许通过考虑默认参数的函数引用执行storing
  • Allows calling with named arguments

By referring to the callables as function types (which is the only option for anonymous functions and lambdas), you lose information that's present in the original declaration.


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