
  • main()有什么特别之处?还有其他特殊功能吗?
  • Can I create two static myfun() functions in same package? I want them to have file scope like main.


package start

fun main(args: Array<String>) {

fun myfun(args: Array<String>) {


package start
// OK!
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
// Error! Conflicting overloads
fun myfun(args: Array<String>) {


Kotlin allows to have multiple top-level main functions in the same package due to practical reasons — so that one could have an entry point in an each file without moving these files to different packages.

It is possible because each .kt file with top-level members is compiled to the corresponding class file, so these main functions do not clash, because they are located in separate class files.



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