我开发Android应用程序,并经常使用注释作为编译时参数判断,主要是Android的support annotations.


public class Test
    public @interface Speed
         public static final int SLOW = 0;
         public static final int NORMAL = 1;
         public static final int FAST = 2;

    private int speed;

    public void setSpeed(@Speed int speed)
        this.speed = speed;



Edit:如果你错过了对问题或答案的 comments ,值得注意的是以下技巧,

It is actually possible to use the @IntDef support annotation by defining your values outside of the annotation class as const vals.

Using your example:

import android.support.annotation.IntDef

public class Test {

    companion object {

         @IntDef(SLOW, NORMAL, FAST)
         annotation class Speed

         const val SLOW = 0L
         const val NORMAL = 1L
         const val FAST = 2L

    private lateinit var speed: Long

    public fun setSpeed(@Speed speed: Long) {
        this.speed = speed



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