我有一些模型类,比如CustomerProduct等.在我的项目中,有几个字段和它们的setter-getter方法,我需要在客户端和服务器之间来回切换exchange objects of these classes as a JSONObject via Sockets.

Is there any way I can create JSONObject directly from the object of model class such that fields of the object become keys and values of that model class object become values for this JSONObject.


Customer c = new Customer();
c.setName("Foo Bar");
/* More such setters and corresponding getters when I need the values */


JSONObject jsonc = new JSONObject(c); //I'll use this only once I'm done setting all values.

Which gets me something like:

{"name":"Foo Bar","city":"Atlantis"...}

Please note that, in some of my model classes, certain properties are itself an object of other model class. Such as:

Product p = new Product();
p.setName("FooBar Cookies");

In a case like above, as I'd expect, the yielded JSON object would be:

{"name":"Foo Bar","city":"Atlantis","bought":{"productname":"FooBar Cookies","producttype":"food"}}


I was wondering if it's possible to get similar behavior in current scenario.


Google GSON人做到了这一点;我在几个项目中使用过它,它很简单,效果很好.它可以在不需要干预的情况下对简单对象进行翻译,但也有一种机制可以定制翻译(在两个方向上).

Gson g = ...;
String jsonString = g.toJson(new Customer());



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