I have a pretty simple form. When the user types in an input field, I want to update what they've typed somewhere else on the page. This all works fine. I've bound the update to the keyup, change and click events.

The only problem is if you select an input from the browser's autocomplete box, it does not update. Is there any event that triggers when you select from autocomplete (it's apparently neither change nor click). Note that if you select from the autocomplete box and the blur the input field, the update will be triggered. I would like for it to be triggered as soon as the autocomplete .

请看:http://jsfiddle.net/pYKKp/(希望您过go 已经用名为"Email"的输入填写了很多表单).


<input name="email" /> 
<div id="whatever">&lt;whatever></div> 


div { 
    float: right; 


$("input").on('keyup change click', function () { 
   var v = $(this).val(); 
    if (v) { 
    else { 


我推荐使用monitorEvents.它是web inspectorfirebug中的javascript控制台提供的函数,用于打印元素生成的所有事件.下面是一个如何使用它的示例:


In your case, both Firefox and Opera generate an input event when the user selects an item from the autocomplete drop down. In IE7-8 a change event is produced after the user changes focus. The latest Chrome does generate a similar event.

A detailed browser compatibility chart can be found here:



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