当我在Rails中使用link_to帮助器时,加载我的javascript时遇到了一些问题.当我使用‘localhost:3000/products/new’手动输入url或重新加载页面时,javascript会加载,但当我通过如下所述的链接时,jQuery $(document).ready将不会加载到新页面上.

Link_to, javascript does not load when I click this link:

<%= link_to "New Product", new_product_path %>

products.js file

$(document).ready(function() {

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance!


你在用Rails 4吗?(在您的控制台中执行rails -v以了解情况)

This issue is probably due to the newly added Turbolinks gem. It makes your application behave like a single page JavaScript application. It has a few benefits (it's faster), but it unfortunately breaks some existing events like $(document).ready() because the page is never reloaded. That would explain why the JavaScript works when you directly load the URL, but not when you navigate to it through a link_to.


有几个解决方案.您可以使用jquery.turbolinks作为下拉修复,也可以将$(document).ready()语句切换为使用Turbolinks 'page:change'事件:

$(document).on('page:change', function() {
    // your stuff here

Alternatively, you could do something like this for compatibility with regular page loads as well as Turbolinks:

var ready = function() {
    // do stuff here.

$(document).on('page:change', ready);

If you are using Ruby on Rails >5 (you can check by running rails -v in the console) use 'turbolinks:load' instead of 'page:change'

$(document).on('turbolinks:load', ready); 


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