以下是我try 的适当部分:

<a href="#" data-content="<div id='my_popover'></div>"> Click here </a>

$(".button").popover({html: true})


When I click, I see the request get made, but doesn't populate the popover. I don't even see HTML for the popover get added to the DOM, but that could be firebug.




First we should add a data-poload attribute to the elements you would like to add a pop over to. The content of this attribute should be the url to be loaded (absolute or relative):

<a href="#" title="blabla" data-poload="/test.php">blabla</a>

And in JavaScript, preferably in a $(document).ready();

$('*[data-poload]').hover(function() {
    var e=$(this);
    $.get(e.data('poload'),function(d) {
        e.popover({content: d}).popover('show');


Please see the working JSFiddle of the example.


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