I have an iframe for a cross-domain site. I want to read the DOM of the iframe, which I believed was possible because using the inspector, I can even modify the DOM of an iframe. Every way I attempt to read it, however, I run into the same origin policy. All I want, is the content loaded in my local DOM, from the iframe. I thought it would be as simple as $(document.body).find('iframe').html(), but that's returning the empty string.

I really hope there's a way to do this since the work I've been doing for the last several days has been predicated on this being do-able.



你不能.javascript无法读取跨站点内容.没有哪个主流浏览器会允许你这么做.很抱歉,这是一个设计缺陷,你应该放弃这个 idea .


请注意,如果您对加载到IFRAME中的网站具有编辑访问权限,则可以使用postMessage(另请参阅browser compatibility)


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