

But if I just send the array it as the data of the AJAX call I get:

"shared_items"=>{"0"=>{"entity_id"=>"253", "position"=>"1"}, "1"=>{"entity_id"=>"823", "position"=>"2"}}

Whereas if I just send a plain array it works:



Processing by SharedListsController#create as 

Thank you!

Update: 我将数据作为数组发送,而不是字符串,并且该数组是使用.push()函数动态创建的.try 使用$.post$.ajax,结果相同.


In case someone stumbles upon this and wants a better solution, you can specify the "contentType: 'application/json'" option in the .ajax call and have Rails properly parse the JSON object without garbling it into integer-keyed hashes with all-string values.

So, to summarize, my problem was that this:

  type : "POST",
  url :  'http://localhost:3001/plugin/bulk_import/',
  dataType: 'json',
  data : {"shared_items": [{"entity_id":"253","position":1}, {"entity_id":"823","position":2}]}


Parameters: {"shared_items"=>{"0"=>{"entity_id"=>"253", "position"=>"1"}, "1"=>{"entity_id"=>"823", "position"=>"2"}}}

whereas this (NOTE: we're now stringifying the javascript object and specifying a content type, so rails will know how to parse our string):

  type : "POST",
  url :  'http://localhost:3001/plugin/bulk_import/',
  dataType: 'json',
  contentType: 'application/json',
  data : JSON.stringify({"shared_items": [{"entity_id":"253","position":1}, {"entity_id":"823","position":2}]})

results in a nice object in Rails:

Parameters: {"shared_items"=>[{"entity_id"=>"253", "position"=>1}, {"entity_id"=>"823", "position"=>2}]}

This works for me in Rails 3, on Ruby 1.9.3.


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