我有一个select div,我正在使用chosen jquery plugin来设置样式和添加功能(最显著的是搜索).这个部门看起来像这样,

 <select data-placeholder="add a foobar" id="foobar" style="width: 350px;">
 <option value=""></option>

And I'm using the chosen plugin like this,


While some AJAX is loading, I'd like to disable the entire <select> div. Maybe with something like this,



 $('#foobar').prop('disabled', true)


Any ideas on how to do this? I've tried a number of different things, like using jquery idioms for disabling things, disabling the <select> which just disables the underlying select, not the chosen stuff on top of it. I've even resorted to manually adding another div with a high z-index to just grey out the box, but I think that this is likely to be ugly and buggy.

Thanks for the help!


You are disabling just your select, but chosen renders it as divs, and spans, etc. So after disabling your select you need to update the plugin to make the select widget disabled too. You can try this way:

$('#foobar').prop('disabled', true).trigger("liszt:updated");

//For non-older versions of chosen you would want to do:

$('#foobar').prop('disabled', true).trigger("chosen:updated");



Once you update the widget all it does is it unbinds the click or other events on the plugin and changes its opacity to 0.5. As there is no real disabled state for a div.


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