When using window.onbeforeunload (or $(window).on("beforeonload")), is it possible to display a custom message in that popup?

Maybe a small trick that works on major browsers?

通过查看现有答案,我觉得在过go 使用confirmalertevent.returnValue这样的东西是可能的,但现在它们似乎不再有效了.

So, how to display a custom message in the beforeunload popup? Is that even/still possible?


tl;dr - You can't set custom message anymore in most modern browsers

A quick note (since this is an old answer) - these days all major browsers don't support custom message in the beforeunload popup. There is no new way to do this. In case you still do need to support old browsers - you can find the information below.

In order to set a confirmation message before the user is closing the window you can use


$(window).bind("beforeunload",function(event) {
    return "You have some unsaved changes";


window.onbeforeunload = function() {
    return "Leaving this page will reset the wizard";

      It's important to notice that you can't put confirm/alert inside beforeunload


  1. NOT all browsers support this (more info in the Browser compatibility section on MDN) 2. In Firefox you MUST do some real interaction with the page in order for this message to appear to the user.
    3. Each browser can add his own text to your message.

Here are the results using the browsers I have access to:


Chrome alert on exit


Firefox alert on exit


Safar alert on exit


IE alert on exit



  1. Chrome removed support for custom message in ver 51
  2. Opera removed支持38版中的自定义消息
  3. Firefox removed support for custom message in ver 44.0 (still looking for source for this information)
  4. Safari removed支持9.1版中的自定义消息


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