我正在try 赋予我的插件回调功能,我希望它能以一种有点传统的方式运行:

myPlugin({options}, function() {
    /* code to execute */

myPlugin({options}, anotherFunction());

How do I handle that parameter in the code? Is it treated as one full entity? I'm pretty sure I know where I'd place the execut或y code, but how do I get the code to execute? I can't seem to find a lot of literature on the topic.


Just execute the callback in the plugin:

$.fn.myPlugin = function(options, callback) {
    if (typeof callback == 'function') { // make sure the callback is a function
        callback.call(this); // brings the scope to the callback


$.fn.myPlugin = function() {

    // extend the options from pre-defined values:
    var options = $.extend({
        callback: function() {}
    }, arguments[0] || {});

    // call the callback and apply the scope:


Use it like this:

    callback: function() {
        // some action


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