Is there a way to find out how much memory is being used by a web page, or by my jquery application?

Here's my situation:

I'm building a data heavy webapp using a jquery frontend and a restful backend that serves data in JSON. The page is loaded once, and then everything happens via ajax.

The UI provides users with a way to create multiple tabs within the UI, and each tab can contain lots and lots of data. I'm considering limiting the number of tabs they can create, but was thinking it would be nice to only limit them once memory usage has gone above a certain threshold.

Based on the answers, I'd like to make some clarfications:

  • I'm looking for a runtime solution (not just developer tools), so that my application can determine actions based on memory usage in a user's browser.
  • 计算DOM元素或文档大小可能是一个很好的估计,但它可能非常不准确,因为它不包括事件绑定、数据()、插件和其他内存中的数据 struct .


2015 Update

早在2012年,如果你想支持所有正在使用的主要浏览器,这是不可能的.不幸的是,目前这仍然是一个Chrome only特性(window.performance的非标准扩展).


Browser support: Chrome 6+

2012 Answer


简单但正确的答案是no.并非所有浏览器都向您公开此类数据.我认为你应该简单地放弃这个 idea ,因为"handmade"解决方案的复杂性和不准确性可能会带来更多的问题,而不是它解决的问题.

计算DOM元素或文档大小可能是一个很好的估计,但可能非常不准确,因为它不包括事件绑定、data()、插件和其他内存中的数据 struct .

如果你真的想坚持你的 idea ,你应该把固定内容和动态内容分开.

Fixed content is not dependant on user actions (memory used by script files, plugins, etc.)
Everything else is considered dynamic and should be your main focus when determining your limit.


Wrap或overwrite jQuery.data方法通知tracking系统您的数据分配.


If you keep large in-memory objects they should also be monitored.

As for event binding you should use event delegation and then it could also be considered a somewhat fixed factor.




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