
$(document).scroll( function(){ 
    //who did this?!


  1. The user performs some action. For example, uses mousewheel, arrow keys, page up/down keys, home/end keys, clicks the scrollbar or drags its thumb.
  2. The browser scrolls automatically. For example, when using the back button in your browser it will jump to the last known scroll position automatically.
  3. Javascript scrolls. For example, element.scrollTo(x,y).



我想说,如果你能让你的应用程序不依赖于这种流量,那就go 吧.



You need to run this locally to be able to test it fully (jsFiddle/jsbin are not good fits as they iFrame the contents).

Here's the test cases that I validated:

  • Page loads - userScroll is false
  • 使用鼠标/键盘滚动-userScroll变为true
  • Click on the link to jump to page bottom - userScroll becomes false
  • 单击后退/前进-userScroll变为false

<!DOCTYPE html> 
<html lang="en"> 
    <meta charset="utf-8" /> 
    <script src="http://code.jquery.com/jquery-1.6.1.min.js"></script> 
    <script type="text/javascript" src="https://raw.github.com/tkyk/jquery-history-plugin/master/jquery.history.js"></script> 
    <span> hello there </span><br/> 
    <a href="#bottom"> click here to go down </a> 
    <a name="bottom"> just sitting </a> 
<script type="text/javascript"> 

var userScroll = false;     

function mouseEvent(e) { 
    userScroll = true; 

$(function() { 

    // reset flag on back/forward 
        userScroll = false; 

    $(document).keydown(function(e) { 
        if(e.which == 33        // page up 
           || e.which == 34     // page dn 
           || e.which == 32     // spacebar
           || e.which == 38     // up 
           || e.which == 40     // down 
           || (e.ctrlKey && e.which == 36)     // ctrl + home 
           || (e.ctrlKey && e.which == 35)     // ctrl + end 
          ) { 
            userScroll = true; 

    // detect user scroll through mouse
    // Mozilla/Webkit 
    if(window.addEventListener) {
        document.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', mouseEvent, false); 

    //for IE/OPERA etc 
    document.onmousewheel = mouseEvent; 

    // to reset flag when named anchors are clicked
    $('a[href*=#]').click(function() { 
        userScroll = false;

      // detect browser/user scroll
    $(document).scroll( function(){  
        console.log('Scroll initiated by ' + (userScroll == true ? "user" : "browser"));


  • This doesn't track scrolling when the user drags the scrollbar with mouse. This can be added with some more code, which I left as an exercise for you.
  • event.keyCodes可能会因操作系统而异,因此您可能需要对其进行适当更改.

Hope this helps!



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