
Here is my code:


<div role="button" class="marginTop50 marginBottom">
    <input type="button" id="getCameraSerialNumbers" value="Capture Again" class="disabled" />
    <input type="button" id="confirmNext"  value="Confirm & Proceed" class="disabled marginLeft50" />

点击<input type="button" id="getCameraSerialNumbers" value="Capture Again">按钮后,<div id="list">....</div>将重新加载,而无需加载或刷新整个页面.

Below is the Jquery which I tried, but not working:-

$("#getCameraSerialNumbers").click(function () {


这是我页面上的DIV,其中包含一些产品的图片和序列号…它将在页面加载时第一次来自数据库.但是如果用户面临一些问题,他将单击"再次捕获"按钮"<input type="button" id="getCameraSerialNumbers" value="Capture Again">",这将再次加载这些信息.


<div id="step1Content" role="Step1ShowCameraCaptures" class="marginLeft">

    <h1>Camera Configuration</h1>
    <!-- Step 1.1 - Image Captures Confirmation-->
    <div id="list">
                <a id="pickheadImageLightBox" data-lightbox="image-1" title="" href="">
                    <img alt="" id="pickheadImage" src="" width="250" height="200" />
                <strong>Pickhead Camera Serial No:</strong><br />
                <span id="pickheadImageDetails"></span>
                <a id="processingStationSideImageLightBox" data-lightbox="image-1" title="" href="">
                    <img alt="" id="processingStationSideImage" src="" width="250" height="200" />
                <strong>Processing Station Top Camera Serial No:</strong><br />
                <span id="processingStationSideImageDetails"></span>
                <a id="processingStationTopImageLightBox" data-lightbox="image-1" title="" href="">
                    <img alt="" id="processingStationTopImage" src="" width="250" height="200" />
                <strong>Processing Station Side Camera Serial No:</strong><br />
                <span id="processingStationTopImageDetails"></span>
                <a id="cardScanImageLightBox" data-lightbox="image-1" title="" href="">
                    <img alt="" id="cardScanImage" src="" width="250" height="200" />
                <strong>Card Scan Camera Serial No:</strong><br />
                <span id="cardScanImageDetails"></span>

    <div class="clearall"></div>

    <div class="marginTop50">
        <p><input type="radio" name="radio1" id="optionYes" />Yes, the infomation captured is correct.</p>
        <p><input type="radio" name="radio1" id="optionNo" />No, Please capture again.</p>
    <div role="button" class="marginTop50 marginBottom">
        <input type="button" id="getCameraSerialNumbers" value="Capture Again" class="disabled" />
        <input type="button" id="confirmNext"  value="Confirm & Proceed" class="disabled marginLeft50" />

Now on click of <input type="button" id="getCameraSerialNumbers" value="Capture Again" class="disabled" /> button, the information which is in <div id="list">... </div> should be loaded again.

Please let me know if you need some more information.


I always use this, works perfect.

                var form = $(this);
                var post_url = form.attr('action');
                var post_data = form.serialize();
                $('#loader3', form).html('<img src="../../images/ajax-loader.gif" />       Please wait...');
                    type: 'POST',
                    url: post_url, 
                    data: post_data,
                    success: function(msg) {
                        $(form).fadeOut(800, function(){




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