


《RequireJS》的作者詹姆斯·伯克(James Burke)解释了advantages of the combined RequireJS + jQuery file.你有两件事.

  1. 有一个模块jquery可用,它是jQuery对象.这是安全的:

    // My module depends on jQuery but what if $ was overwritten?
    define(["jquery"], function($) {
      // $ is guaranteed to be jQuery now */
  2. jQuery已经在任何require()define()个东西之前加载了.所有模块都保证jQuery已经就绪.你甚至不需要require/order.js插件,因为jQuery基本上是先硬编码加载的.

To me, #2 isn't very helpful. Most real applications have many .js files that must load in the right order—sad but true. As soon as you need Sammy or Underscore.js, the combined RequireJS+jQuery file doesn't help.

My solution is to write simple RequireJS wrappers that load my traditional scripts using the "order" plugin.



  • My app, greatapp
    • greatapp depends on a custom jquery (old version I must use)
    • greatapp depends on my_sammy (SammyJS plus all its plugins I must use). These must be in order
      1. my_sammy depends on jquery (SammyJS is a jQuery plugin)
      2. my_sammy depends on sammy.js
      3. my_sammy depends on sammy.json.js
      4. 我的萨米全靠sammy.storage.js
      5. 我的萨米全靠sammy.mustache.js

In my mind, everything above that ends with .js is a "traditional" script. Everything without .js is a RequireJS plugin. The key is: high-level stuff (greatapp, my_sammy) are modules, and at deeper levels, it falls back to traditional .js files.


It all starts with a booter telling RequireJS how to start.

    <script data-main="js/boot.js" src="js/require.js"></script>

In js/boot.js I put only the config and how to start the application.

require( // The "paths" maps module names to actual places to fetch the file.
         // I made modules with simple names (jquery, sammy) that will do the hard work.
         { paths: { jquery: "require_jquery"
                  , sammy : "require_sammy"

         // Next is the root module to run, which depends on everything else.
       , [ "greatapp" ]

         // Finally, start my app in whatever way it uses.
       , function(greatapp) { greatapp.start(); }

Main Application

In greatapp.js I have a normal looking module.

define(["jquery", "sammy"], function($, Sammy) {
  // At this point, jQuery and SammyJS are loaded successfully.
  // By depending on "jquery", the "require_jquery.js" file will run; same for sammy.
  // Those require_* files also pass jQuery and Sammy to here, so no more globals!

  var start = function() {
    $(document).ready(function() {
      $("body").html("Hello world!");

  return {"start":start};

RequireJS module wrappers around traditional files


define(["/custom/path/to/my/jquery.js?1.4.2"], function() {
  // Raw jQuery does not return anything, so return it explicitly here.
  return jQuery;


// These must be in order, so use the "order!" plugin.
define([ "order!jquery"
       , "order!/path/to/custom/sammy/sammy-0.6.2-min.js"
       , "order!/path/to/custom/sammy/plugins/sammy.json-0.6.2-min.js"
       , "order!/path/to/custom/sammy/plugins/sammy.storage-0.6.2-min.js"
       , "order!/path/to/custom/sammy/plugins/sammy.mustache-0.6.2-min.js"

       , function($) {
           // Raw sammy does not return anything, so return it explicitly here.
           return $.sammy;


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