Possible Duplicate:
How can I check whether a variable is defined in JavaScript?
Is there a standard function to check for null, undefined, or blank variables in JavaScript?

我的 playbook 分为两部分.

The first part sets up a var:

var pagetype = "textpage";

The 2nd part is a simple if statement:

if(pagetype == "textpage") {
//do something

Now the 2nd part, the if statement, appears on all pages of my site. But the first part, where the var is declared, only appears on some of my pages.


Uncaught ReferenceError: pagetype is not defined


I am imagining I would just use another if statment, eg:

if ("a var called pagetypes exists")....


I suspect there are many answers like this on SO but here you go:

if ( typeof pagetype !== 'undefined' && pagetype == 'textpage' ) {


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