I am including all of my JS as external files that are loaded at the very bottom of the page. Within these files, I have several methods defined like so, which I call from the ready event:

var SomeNamepsace = {};

SomeNamepsace.firstMethod = function () {
    // do something

SomeNamepsace.secondMethod = function () {
    // do something else

$(document).ready(function () {

However, when I remove the ready function and call the methods straight-up, everything works just the same, but executes significantly faster—almost a whole second faster on a pretty basic file! Since the document should be loaded at this point (as all the markup comes before the script tags), is there any good reason to still be using the ready event?



关于"将脚本放在页面底部"的建议以及它试图解决的问题,存在一些困惑.对于这个问题,我不打算谈论将脚本放在页面底部是否会影响性能/加载时间.我只想谈谈你是否需要$(document).ready if you also put scripts at the bottom of the page.


To answer your question: if you include your DOM-referencing scripts at the bottom of the page, No, you do not need $(document).ready.

Explanation: without the aid of "onload"-related implementations like $(document).ready the rule of thumb is: any code that interacts with DOM elements within the page should to be placed/included further down the page than the elements it references. The easiest thing to do is to place that code before the closing </body>. See here and here. It also works around IE's dreaded "Operation aborted" error.

话虽如此,这并不意味着$(document).ready的使用是无效的.在加载对象之前引用它是开始使用DOM JavaScript时最常见的错误之一(见过太多次,数不清).它是jQuery对该问题的解决方案,您不必考虑该脚本相对于其引用的DOM元素将包含在何处.这对开发者来说是一个巨大的胜利.他们只需要少考虑一件事.


最后,过go 将所有DOM引用代码塞进window.onload是"最佳实践",但well document reasons年来,$(document).ready个实现让它黯然失色.

All this adds up to $(document).ready as a far superior, practical and general solution to the problem of referencing DOM elements too early.



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