Arduino - 字符函数

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S.No.Prototype & 描述

int isdigit(int c)



int isalpha(int c)



int isalnum(int c)



int isxdigit(int c)



int islower(int c)



int isupper(int c)



int isspace(int c)




int iscntrl(int c)



int ispunct(int c)



int isprint(int c)




int isgraph(int c)


下面的示例演示了 isdigit,isalpha,isalnum 和 isxdigit 函数的用法,函数 isdigit 确定其自变量是否为数字(0–9),函数 isalpha 确定其自变量是大写字母(A-Z)还是小写字母(a–z),函数 isalnum 确定其参数是大写,小写字母还是数字,函数 isxdigit 确定其自变量是否为十六进制数字(AF,AF,0-9)。

void setup () {
   Serial.begin (9600);
   Serial.print ("According to isdigit:\r");
   Serial.print (isdigit( '8' ) ? "8 is a": "8 is not a");
   Serial.print (" digit\r" );
   Serial.print (isdigit( '8' ) ?"# is a": "# is not a") ;
   Serial.print (" digit\r");
   Serial.print ("\rAccording to isalpha:\r" );
   Serial.print (isalpha('A' ) ?"A is a": "A is not a");
   Serial.print (" letter\r");
   Serial.print (isalpha('A' ) ?"b is a": "b is not a");
   Serial.print (" letter\r");
   Serial.print (isalpha('A') ?"& is a": "& is not a");
   Serial.print (" letter\r");
   Serial.print (isalpha( 'A' ) ?"4 is a":"4 is not a");
   Serial.print (" letter\r");
   Serial.print ("\rAccording to isalnum:\r");
   Serial.print (isalnum( 'A' ) ?"A is a" : "A is not a" );

   Serial.print (" digit or a letter\r" );
   Serial.print (isalnum( '8' ) ?"8 is a" : "8 is not a" ) ;
   Serial.print (" digit or a letter\r");
   Serial.print (isalnum( '#' ) ?"# is a" : "# is not a" );
   Serial.print (" digit or a letter\r");
   Serial.print ("\rAccording to isxdigit:\r");
   Serial.print (isxdigit( 'F' ) ?"F is a" : "F is not a" );
   Serial.print (" hexadecimal digit\r" );
   Serial.print (isxdigit( 'J' ) ?"J is a" : "J is not a" ) ;
   Serial.print (" hexadecimal digit\r" );
   Serial.print (isxdigit( '7' ) ?"7 is a" : "7 is not a" ) ;

   Serial.print (" hexadecimal digit\r" );
   Serial.print (isxdigit( '$' ) ? "$ is a" : "$ is not a" );
   Serial.print (" hexadecimal digit\r" );
   Serial.print (isxdigit( 'f' ) ? “f is a" : "f is not a");

void loop () {



According to isdigit:
8 is a digit
# is not a digit
According to isalpha:
A is a letter
b is a letter
& is not a letter
4 is not a letter
According to isalnum:
A is a digit or a letter

8 is a digit or a letter
# is not a digit or a letter
According to isxdigit:
F is a hexadecimal digit
J is not a hexadecimal digit
7 is a hexadecimal digit

$is not a hexadecimal digit
f is a hexadecimal digit


下面的示例演示 islower 和 isupper 函数的用法,函数 islower 确定其参数是否为小写字母(a–z),函数 isupper 确定其参数是否为大写字母(A–Z)。

int thisChar=0xA0;

void setup () {
   Serial.begin (9600);
   Serial.print ("According to islower:\r") ;
   Serial.print (islower( 'p' ) ? "p is a" : "p is not a" );
   Serial.print ( " lowercase letter\r" );
   Serial.print ( islower( 'P') ? "P is a" : "P is not a") ;
   Serial.print ("lowercase letter\r");
   Serial.print (islower( '5' ) ? "5 is a" : "5 is not a" );
   Serial.print ( " lowercase letter\r" );
   Serial.print ( islower( '!' )? "! is a" : "! is not a") ;
   Serial.print ("lowercase letter\r");

   Serial.print ("\rAccording to isupper:\r") ;
   Serial.print (isupper ( 'D' ) ? "D is a" : "D is not an" );
   Serial.print ( " uppercase letter\r" );
   Serial.print ( isupper ( 'd' )? "d is a" : "d is not an") ;
   Serial.print ( " uppercase letter\r" );
   Serial.print (isupper ( '8' ) ? "8 is a" : "8 is not an" );
   Serial.print ( " uppercase letter\r" );
   Serial.print ( islower( '$' )? "$is a" : "$is not an") ;
   Serial.print ("uppercase letter\r ");

void setup () {



According to islower:
p is a lowercase letter
P is not a lowercase letter
5 is not a lowercase letter
! is not a lowercase letter

According to isupper:
D is an uppercase letter
d is not an uppercase letter
8 is not an uppercase letter
$is not an uppercase letter


以下示例演示了 isspace,iscntrl,ispunct,isprint 和 isgraph 函数的用法。

  • isspace  -  确定其参数是否为空格字符,如空格(''),换页('\f'),换行符('\n' ),回车符('\r'),水平制表符('\t')或垂直制表符('\v')。

  • iscntrl    -  确定其参数是否为控制字符,如水平制表符('\t'),垂直制表符('\v'),换页符('\f '),警报('\a'),退格键('\b'),回车('\r')或换行符('\n')。

  • ispunct  -  确定其参数是否为空格,数字或字母以外的其他印刷字符,如$,#,(,),[,],{,} ,;,:或%。

  • isprint    -  确定其参数是否为可以在屏幕上显示的字符(包括空格字符)。

  • isgraph  -  测试与isprint相同的字符,但不包括空格字符。

void setup () {
   Serial.begin (9600);
   Serial.print ( " According to isspace:\rNewline ") ;
   Serial.print (isspace( '\n' )? " is a" : " is not a" );
   Serial.print ( " whitespace character\rHorizontal tab") ;
   Serial.print (isspace( '\t' )? " is a" : " is not a" );
   Serial.print ( " whitespace character\n") ;
   Serial.print (isspace('%')? " % is a" : " % is not a" );
   Serial.print ( "\rAccording to iscntrl:\rNewline") ;
   Serial.print ( iscntrl( '\n' )?"is a" : " is not a" ) ;
   Serial.print (" control character\r");
   Serial.print (iscntrl( '$' ) ? " $is a" : " $is not a" );
   Serial.print (" control character\r");
   Serial.print ("\rAccording to ispunct:\r");
   Serial.print (ispunct(';' ) ?"; is a" : "; is not a" ) ;
   Serial.print (" punctuation character\r");
   Serial.print (ispunct('Y' ) ?"Y is a" : "Y is not a" ) ;
   Serial.print ("punctuation character\r");
   Serial.print (ispunct('#' ) ?"# is a" : "# is not a" ) ;
   Serial.print ("punctuation character\r");

   Serial.print ( "\r According to isprint:\r");
   Serial.print (isprint('$' ) ?"$is a" : "$is not a" );
   Serial.print (" printing character\rAlert ");
   Serial.print (isprint('\a' ) ?" is a" : " is not a" );
   Serial.print (" printing character\rSpace ");
   Serial.print (isprint(' ' ) ?" is a" : " is not a" );
   Serial.print (" printing character\r");
   Serial.print ("\r According to isgraph:\r");
   Serial.print (isgraph ('Q' ) ?"Q is a" : "Q is not a" );
   Serial.print ("printing character other than a space\rSpace ");
   Serial.print (isgraph (' ') ?" is a" : " is not a" );
   Serial.print ("printing character other than a space ");

void loop () {



According to isspace:
Newline is a whitespace character
Horizontal tab is a whitespace character
% is not a whitespace character
According to iscntrl:
Newline is a control character
$is not a control character
According to ispunct:
; is a punctuation character
Y is not a punctuation character
# is a punctuation character
According to isprint:
$is a printing character
Alert is not a printing character
Space is a printing character
According to isgraph:
Q is a printing character other than a space
Space is not a printing character other than a space

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