
Id Nbr Dt Status Cont1Sta1 DateLagInDays Recurrence
1 2 2023-10-1 1
1 2 2023-11-2 0
1 2 2023-12-13 0
1 3 2023-10-1 0
1 3 2023-11-2 0
1 3 2023-12-13 1
1 9 2023-11-1 0
1 9 2023-12-1 1
1 9 2024-1-1 0

我已经创建了一个基于ID, number的SQL Server数据分区,并按照dt的升序排序.


  1. 对于所选分区,是否存在任何状态= 1的实例.
  2. 如果#1为true,则是状态= 0的最早实例与该行的状态= 1之间的日期差.
  1. 在分区内,在至少有一行状态= 1后,是否有任何新行忽略状态值?

使用分区基本逻辑可以实现这一点吗?我确实try 在分区中使用滞后和前导,但它不会产生一个好的结果.


虽然我try 了一些其他的东西,我有以下干净的代码,我目前正在使用.我希望在转换后的第一个实例行中,每个分区都填充Cont1Sta1、DateLagInDays、Recurrence列.

declare @t table
    id int,
    nbr int,
    dt date,
    status smallint,
    Cont1Sta1 bit,--if the chosen partition has atleast one status=1
    DateLagInDays int,--date diff in days from earliest record within partition to when status=1
    Recurrence bit --does partition has atleast one new row after one possible row that has status=1
insert into @t(id,nbr,dt,status) select 1,9,'2023-11-1',0
insert into @t(id,nbr,dt,status) select 1,9,'2023-12-1',1
insert into @t(id,nbr,dt,status) select 1,9,'2024-1-1',0
insert into @t(id,nbr,dt,status) select 1,2,'2023-10-1',1
insert into @t(id,nbr,dt,status) select 1,2,'2023-11-2',0
insert into @t(id,nbr,dt,status) select 1,2,'2023-12-13',0
insert into @t(id,nbr,dt,status) select 1,3,'2023-10-1',0
insert into @t(id,nbr,dt,status) select 1,3,'2023-11-2',0
insert into @t(id,nbr,dt,status) select 1,3,'2023-12-13',1;

    id, nbr, dt,status,
    rank() over (partition by id, nbr, status order by id, nbr, dt asc, status desc) rownbr
order by 
    id, nbr, dt asc, status desc;


Id Nbr Dt Status Cont1Sta1 DateLagInDays Recurrence
1 2 2023-10-1 0 1 32 1
1 2 2023-11-2 1 0 0 0
1 2 2023-12-13 0 0 0 0
1 3 2023-10-1 0 1 73 0
1 3 2023-11-2 0 0 0 0
1 3 2023-12-13 1 0 0 0
1 9 2023-11-1 1 1 0 1
1 9 2023-12-1 0 0 0 0
1 9 2024-1-1 0 0 0 0



with cte as (
    select id, nbr, dt, status
        -- get a row number so we can only show the calculated data once per partition
        , row_number() over (partition by id, nbr order by id, nbr, dt asc, status desc) rn
        -- Determine whether status 1 exists within the partition
        , max(status) over (partition by id, nbr) partition_status
        -- Get the first date where Status = 1
        , min(case when Status = 1 then dt else null end) over (partition by id, nbr) partition_dt1
        -- Get the last date where Status = 1
        -- Only required if there is the possibility of more than one Status = 1 row in a partition
        , max(case when Status = 1 then dt else null end) over (partition by id, nbr) partition_dt2
    from @t
select id, nbr, dt, status
    -- On the first row of each partition show whether a status = 1 exists
    , case when rn = 1 then partition_status else 0 end Cont1Sta1
    -- On the first row of each partition show the date lag in days
    , case when rn = 1 then datediff(day, dt, coalesce(partition_dt1, dt)) else 0 end DateLagInDays
    -- On the first row of each partition show whether any records exist after the last Status = 1
    , case when rn = 1 and exists (select 1 from cte c2 where c2.id = c1.id and c2.nbr = c1.nbr and c2.dt > c1.partition_dt2) then 1 else 0 end Recurrence
from cte c1
order by id, nbr, dt asc, status desc;


id nbr dt status Cont1Sta1 DateLagInDays Recurrence
1 2 2023-10-01 1 1 0 1
1 2 2023-11-02 0 0 0 0
1 2 2023-12-13 0 0 0 0
1 3 2023-10-01 0 1 73 0
1 3 2023-11-02 0 0 0 0
1 3 2023-12-13 1 0 0 0
1 9 2023-11-01 0 1 30 1
1 9 2023-12-01 1 0 0 0
1 9 2024-01-01 0 0 0 0









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