
Name Type


Keyvalue Text
101 Customer Input 05/15/2023 07:20:20 My name is ABX +++ Private Notes What is you name+++Customer Input 04/30/2023 19:40:58 I have issue related to water purifier purchased on Jan 23 +++ Public Notes 04/30/2023 18:19:18 +++Customer Input 04/30/2023 Requesting to send a technicial, we could not bring them up due to the same issue that was looked into in ticket 20092. We dont know if this is the same issue as the previous ticket, but need to know the reason Language Preference: English
102 Customer Input 05/15/2023 07:20:20 20424596 Reference to the above ticket+++Customer Input 04/30/2023 19:40:58 Plesae replace the item as this is a faulty one +++ Public Notes 04/30/2023 18:19:18 +++Customer Input 04/30/2023 17:54:54 Shared the faulty machine pics for quick action Problem Context: When was the issue first observed? - 4/30, 1AM or so Were there any recent changes or maintenance performed? - Language Preference: English

我基本上是用"客户输入"一词将整个阶段分成多行. 类似于以下内容:

SELECT distinct keyvalue, level pos, trim(regexp_substr(text, 'Customer Input[^+++]*', 1, level))  x
    SELECT 101 as keyvalue,'Customer Input 05/15/2023 07:20:20 My name is ABX +++ Private Notes What is you name+++Customer Input 04/30/2023 19:40:58 I have issue related to water purifier purchased on Jan 23 
    +++ Public Notes 04/30/2023 18:19:18 +++Customer Input 04/30/2023 Requesting to send a technicial, we could not bring them up due to the same issue that was looked into in ticket 20092. We dont know if this is the same issue as the previous ticket, but need to know the reason Language Preference: English| '
    as text from dual
    union all 
    SELECT 102 as keyvalue,' Customer Input 05/15/2023 07:20:20 20424596 Reference to the above ticket+++Customer Input 04/30/2023 19:40:58 Plesae replace the item as this is a faulty one 
    +++ Public Notes 04/30/2023 18:19:18 +++Customer Input 04/30/2023 17:54:54 Shared the faulty machine pics for quick action Problem Context: When was the issue first observed? - 4/30, 1AM or so Were there any recent changes 
    or maintenance performed? - Language Preference: English| '
    as text from dual  

  ) t
CONNECT BY instr(text, 'Customer Input', 1, level - 1) > 0
order by keyvalue;
keyvalue pos text
101 1 Customer Input 05/15/2023 07:20:20 My name is ABX
101 2 Customer Input 04/30/2023 19:40:58 I have issue related to water purifier purchased on Jan 23
101 3 Customer Input 04/30/2023 Requesting to send a technicial, we could not bring them up due to the same issue that was looked into in ticket 20092. We dont know if this is the same issue as the previous ticket, but need to know the reason Language Preference: English
101 4
102 1 Customer Input 05/15/2023 07:20:20 20424596 Reference to the above ticket
102 2 Customer Input 04/30/2023 19:40:58 Please replace the item as this is a faulty one
102 3 Customer Input 04/30/2023 17:54:54 Shared the faulty machine pics for quick action Problem Context: When was the issue first observed? - 4/30, 1AM or so Were there any recent changes or maintenance performed? - Language Preference: English
102 4



SELECT distinct keyvalue, level pos, trim(regexp_substr(customer_input_info, 'Customer Input[^+++]*', 1, level)) str
  FROM (select 101 as keyvalue,to_clob('Customer Input 05/15/2023 07:20:20 20424596 Reference to the above ticket+++Customer Input 04/30/2023 19:40:58 Plesae replace the item as this is a faulty one 
    +++ Public Notes 04/30/2023 18:19:18 +++Customer Input 04/30/2023 17:54:54 Shared the faulty machine pics for quick action Problem Context: When was the issue first observed? - 4/30, 1AM or so Were there any recent changes 
    or maintenance performed? - Language Preference: English| ') as customer_input_info from dual) t
CONNECT BY instr(customer_input_info, 'Customer Input', 1, level - 1) > 0
order by 1


ORA-00932: inconsistent datatypes: expected - got CLOB 00932. 00000 - "inconsistent datatypes: expected %s got %s" *Cause:
*Action: Error at Line: 44 Column: 38.





您需要将CONNECT-BY限制到相同的源行,这很简单,假设keyvalue是唯一的;但您还需要引入非确定性函数调用,以防止它inflating 结果,例如:

CONNECT BY instr(text, 'Customer Input', 1, level - 1) > 0
AND keyvalue = PRIOR keyvalue
AND PRIOR dbms_random.value IS NOT NULL



WITH r (keyvalue, text, pos, x) as (
  SELECT keyvalue, text, 1, trim(regexp_substr(text, 'Customer Input[^+++]*', 1, 1))
  FROM t
  SELECT keyvalue, text, pos + 1, trim(regexp_substr(text, 'Customer Input[^+++]*', 1, pos + 1))
  FROM r
  WHERE instr(text, 'Customer Input', 1, pos) > 0
SELECT keyvalue, pos, x
order by keyvalue, pos;
101 1 Customer Input 05/15/2023 07:20:20 My name is ABX
101 2 Customer Input 04/30/2023 19:40:58 I have issue related to water purifier purchased on Jan 23
101 3 Customer Input 04/30/2023 Requesting to send a technicial, we could not bring them up due to the same issue that was looked into in ticket 20092. We dont know if this is the same issue as the previous ticket, but need to know the reason Language Preference: English|
101 4
102 1 Customer Input 05/15/2023 07:20:20 20424596 Reference to the above ticket
102 2 Customer Input 04/30/2023 19:40:58 Plesae replace the item as this is a faulty one
102 3 Customer Input 04/30/2023 17:54:54 Shared the faulty machine pics for quick action Problem Context: When was the issue first observed? - 4/30, 1AM or so Were there any recent changes
    or maintenance performed? - Language Preference: English|
102 4






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