
Grails1.3.6与v1相比有了巨大的改进.3.当我最初try 学习框架时(并放弃了缓慢的编译时间和其他引发呻吟的事件).




我想听听这两个阵营都说了些什么(火焰引发的语言战争欢迎)re:2011年两种语言/框架的优缺点.在 Select 一个框架时,了解你要进入的领域是很重要的,因此,了解它,新手将受益,专家可以发泄;--)




  • 轨道 (Ruby) does not scale as well as 圣杯 (Groovy). You will need more horsepower to run your application. This isn't a big deal at all with PaaS options like EngineYard (and hopefully a AWS BeanStalk 轨道 option in the future), but it might just cost a little more to run a 轨道 app vs a 圣杯 app (obviously JRuby is also an option to though).
  • 轨道 is slightly better with NoSQL alternatives currently, but 圣杯 is catching up quickly
  • 轨道 has many more plugins, but this can lead to trouble if you use some that aren't maintained (a lot of them don't currently work with 轨道 3 yet either).
  • 轨道 is more mature and has more features at this point in time because it's been around longer
  • 轨道 REST support is amazing
  • There are many more "big" 轨道 websites than 圣杯
  • Ruby比Groovy-TIOBE更受欢迎
  • No dependence on Oracle, ha! (圣杯 obviously needs the JVM)


  • 圣杯 integrates with the JVM better than JRuby
  • 圣杯 GORM is better than ActiveRecord (IMHO), although 轨道 3 opened the door a little bit for other persistence options, but all the books, tutorials, etc all use ActiveRecord
  • 圣杯 View taglibs are better than <=%...%> in view
  • 圣杯 plugins are well documented and clearly state whether they are supported by SpringSource or not
  • SpringSource is investing heavily in 圣杯
  • There will be many more corporate jobs for 圣杯 than 轨道 in the future, but more startups use 轨道 (where do you want to work?)


  • I used 轨道 a couple years ago, I'm working on a 圣杯 project now
  • 与Django(Python)或Zend Framework(PHP)相比,我更喜欢它们
  • 我计划下一步学习升降机(Scala)


  • If you have never done Java development and are working on a side project for a small to medium website, go with 轨道
  • If you are working at a big company that uses Java, try pitching 圣杯 to your management as the "next Java framework" they should invest in
  • 如果你正在开发"下一个twitter或foursquare",那么你就足够聪明,可以自己回答这个问题了!:)



在控制器操作中适当使用ActiveModel Dirty


Rails ActiveRecord::LogSubscriber 不输出详细查询日志(log)

Trailblazor 操作 -> 集合 :attribute(has_many 通过关联) 与填充器 -> 如何填充 Reform::Form 形式的 slugs 数组?

Ruby on Rails form_with 不显示错误,卡在服务器端



如何使用默认的 Rails 记录器记录 Ruby 异常的整个回溯?


jbuilder vs rails-api/active_model_serializers 用于 Rails 4 中的 JSON 处理


如何按值按降序对哈希进行排序并在 ruby​​ 中输出哈希?


.increment vs += 1

关于在不适合任何地方的 Rails 应用程序中放置类的指南

非持久 ActiveRecord 模型属性

从 Rails 中的 ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound 救援

ActiveRecord 何时会保存关联?

在 Ruby on Rails 中设置日志(log)记录级别