I have created a project using Expo XDE. I checked this Can't load expo app: Something went wrong but I have already enabled "Draw over other apps". It works https://expo.io/@ajaysaini/first-proj when I scan this QR code but it doesn't when I run it on android device from XDE.


import Expo from 'expo';
import React from 'react';
import { StyleSheet, Text, View } from 'react-native';

class App extends React.Component {
  render() {
    return (
      <View style={styles.container}>

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
  container: {
    flex: 1,
    backgroundColor: '#fff',
    alignItems: 'center',
    justifyContent: 'center',


当我在设备上运行它时,它会在android设备上显示以下错误.我多次try 在XDE中重新启动,但都没有帮到我.

enter image description here

Dependency graph loaded.
11:19:21 AM
Starting React Native packager...
11:19:24 AM
Scanning 528 folders for symlinks in D:\Expo\first-proj\first-proj\node_modules (18ms)
11:19:24 AM
Loading dependency graph.
11:19:24 AM
Running packager on port 19001.
11:19:25 AM
11:19:33 AM
Project opened! You can now use the "Share" or "Device" buttons to view your project.
11:19:44 AM
Opening on Android device
11:19:54 AM
Dependency graph loaded.
11:21:41 AM
Opening on Android device
11:23:31 AM
Opening on Android device


There was an unhandled error: Could not load exp://
Stack Trace:



You better open XDE Client and enable development mode. Then, click on the gray cog to make Host > LAN (Local area network - which means sharing packages over WiFi with a real device).

Localhost选项也可以工作,但根据Expo Debugging docs:


此外,我在几个月前写了一个视觉信息丰富的答案,这可能也会有所帮助:How do I run an app on a real iOS device using Expo?




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