我大量使用python 3提供的python类型支持.



import typing

# some function with singnature typing
def fn1_as_arg_with_kwargs(a: int, b: float) -> float:
    return a + b

# some function with singnature typing
def fn2_as_arg_with_kwargs(a: int, b: float) -> float:
    return a * b

# function that get callables as arg
# this works with typing
def function_executor(
        a: int, 
        b: float, 
        fn: typing.Callable[[int, float], float]):
    return fn(a, b)

# But what if I want to name my kwargs 
# (something like below which does not work)
# ... this will help me more complex scenarios 
# ... or am I expecting a lot from python3 ;)
def function_executor(
        a: int, 
        b: float, 
        fn: typing.Callable[["a": int, "b": float], float]):
    return fn(a=a, b=b)


你可能在找Callback protocols个.



from typing import Protocol

# Or, if you want to support Python 3.7 and below, install the typing_extensions
# module via pip and do the below:
from typing_extensions import Protocol

class MyCallable(Protocol):
    def __call__(self, a: int, b: float) -> float: ...

def good(a: int, b: float) -> float: ...

def bad(x: int, y: float) -> float: ...

def function_executor(a: int, b: float, fn: MyCallable) -> float:
    return fn(a=a, b=b)

function_executor(1, 2.3, good)  # Ok!
function_executor(1, 2.3, bad)   # Errors

如果您try 使用mypy对该程序进行类型判断,最后一行将出现以下错误(当然是神秘的):

Argument 3 to "function_executor" has incompatible type "Callable[[int, float], float]"; expected "MyCallable"



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