
first_name (PK)
last_name (PK)


(John, Smith, john.smith@gmail.com)

现在我找他,错误地输入了Johny Smit.

我怎么能找到唱片而且这么快? SQLAchemy也可以吗?



create extension pg_trgm;
create index trgm_idx on my_table using GiST ( first_name gist_trgm_ops
                                              ,last_name  gist_trgm_ops);
select * from my_table 
where    first_name % 'Johny' 
  and    last_name  % 'Smit' 
order by last_name <->'Smit'
limit 5;
first_name last_name email
John Smith john.smith@gmail.com
Limit (cost=0.28..8.31 rows=1 width=119) (actual time=19.341..19.353 rows=1 loops=1)
  Output: first_name, last_name, email, ((first_name <-> 'Johny'::text)), ((last_name <-> 'Smit'::text))
  -> Index Scan using trgm_idx on public.my_table (cost=0.28..8.31 rows=1 width=119) (actual time=19.337..19.348 rows=1 loops=1)
        Output: first_name, last_name, email, (first_name <-> 'Johny'::text), (last_name <-> 'Smit'::text)
        Index Cond: ((my_table.first_name % 'Johny'::text) AND (my_table.last_name % 'Smit'::text))
        Order By: ((my_table.first_name <-> 'Johny'::text) AND (my_table.last_name <-> 'Smit'::text))
Planning Time: 1.364 ms
Execution Time: 19.416 ms
  1. 在现实生活中,它不会像现在这样快,因为我刚刚把John Smith埋在一堆John Smithk随机uuid下.
  2. 你将不得不调整你的相似性目标,仍然可能搜索一些最匹配的,并以某种方式从中挑选出来--可能有很多人的名字也与你的搜索匹配.
  3. 您可能希望使用一个表达式索引来合并这两个字段,这样您就可以只处理一个搜索短语和一个结果相似性度量,而不必解析两个.
drop index trgm_idx ;
create index trgm_idx2 on my_table 
   using GiST ((first_name||' '||last_name) gist_trgm_ops);
prepare find_john_smith_using_pg_trgm(text) as 
select *,$1 as search_phrase
        , (first_name||' '||last_name)<->  $1 as "<->"
        , (first_name||' '||last_name)<<-> $1 as "<<->"
        , (first_name||' '||last_name)<<<->$1 as "<<<->"
        , word_similarity(first_name||' '||last_name,$1)
        , strict_word_similarity(first_name||' '||last_name,$1)
from my_table 
where    (first_name||' '||last_name) % $1
order by (first_name||' '||last_name)<->$1
limit 5;

execute find_john_smith_using_pg_trgm('Johny Smit');
first_name last_name email search_phrase <-> <<-> <<<-> word_similarity strict_word_similarity
John Smith john.smith@gmail.com Johny Smit 0.4285714 0.38461536 0.4285714 0.61538464 0.5714286
Johan Smittson johan.smittson@gmail.com Johny Smit 0.6315789 0.6111111 0.6315789 0.3888889 0.36842105
execute find_john_smith_using_pg_trgm('Johny');
first_name last_name email search_phrase <-> <<-> <<<-> word_similarity strict_word_similarity
John Smith john.smith@gmail.com Johny 0.6923077 0.6363636 0.6923077 0.36363637 0.30769232
execute find_john_smith_using_pg_trgm('Smitt');
first_name last_name email search_phrase <-> <<-> <<<-> word_similarity strict_word_similarity
Johan Smittson johan.smittson@gmail.com Smitt 0.6875 0.6666666 0.6875 0.33333334 0.3125
John Smith john.smith@gmail.com Smitt 0.6923077 0.6363636 0.6923077 0.36363637 0.30769232
  1. 如果你确实将它们分开,你可以建立优先级,例如,按两者的加权平均值排序—可以安全地假设last_name上的匹配比first_name上的匹配具有一些优先级,特别是因为姓氏不经常被更改(小号、缩写、昵称、第二名等).


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