
more info:个 这是我使用的代码:

TcpClient c;
//I want to check here if port is free.
c = new TcpClient(ip, port);




 int port = 456; //<--- This is your value
 bool isAvailable = true;

 // Evaluate current system tcp connections. This is the same information provided
 // by the netstat command line application, just in .Net strongly-typed object
 // form.  We will look through the list, and if our port we would like to use
 // in our TcpClient is occupied, we will set isAvailable to false.
 IPGlobalProperties ipGlobalProperties = IPGlobalProperties.GetIPGlobalProperties();
 TcpConnectionInformation[] tcpConnInfoArray = ipGlobalProperties.GetActiveTcpConnections();

 foreach (TcpConnectionInformation tcpi in tcpConnInfoArray)
   if (tcpi.LocalEndPoint.Port==port)
     isAvailable = false;

 // At this point, if isAvailable is true, we can proceed accordingly.


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