Per this link,, the default Laravel user factory tests the value of a static $password variable. If it is falsey, it bcrypts 'secret' and uses that.

How does one go about setting the value of the static variable $password? Obviously I don't want to import it at the time the function is declared (since that would defeat the purpose of making it variable). I realise that I can override the value of password by passing an array to the make() method, but this is a different thing altogether.


I had the exact same question and found the answer here:

See the comment at the bottom

bcrypt()调用开销很大,这是其作为密码散列算法的部分优势. 由于生成的假密码被硬编码为"机密",因此不需要每次都对密码进行bcrypt(). 通过使用静电变量,我们可以对密码进行一次bcrypt()加密,然后在随后的每次工厂调用中使用相同的散列值(在相同的请求中). 例如,假设您正在设置一个需要$users = factory(User::class, 100)->create();个用户的测试. $users = factory(User::class, 100)->create();个 该代码将调用工厂关闭$users = factory(User::class, 100)->create();次.如果没有静电$PASSWORD变量,bcrypt()将运行$users = factory(User::class, 100)->create();次,这可能需要几秒钟的时间.使用静电变量,bcrypt()现在只运行一次,结果将用于所有$users = factory(User::class, 100)->create();个用户,这将极大地提高测试速度.





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