I'm having a lot of trouble converting the following SQL query to work with Laravel's query builder.

SELECT * FROM gifts 
JOIN giftcategory ON gifts.id = giftcategory.giftid
JOIN giftoccasions ON gifts.id = giftoccasions.giftid
JOIN giftrelationship ON gifts.id = giftrelationship.giftid

WHERE (gifts.gender = 'any' OR gifts.gender = 'male')
AND giftoccasions.occasionid = '2'
AND (giftcategory.categoryid = '0' OR giftcategory.categoryid = '1')
AND giftrelationship.relationshipid = '1'

This query works fine, but I can't get the same results when using Laravel's query builder. I have the following code so far. It is not working correctly at all. I'm thinking the issue could lie with the orWhere part because it seems to be returning results that don't match any of the other where clauses.

$giftQuery = DB::Table('gifts')
->Join('giftcategory', 'gifts.id', '=', 'giftcategory.giftid')
->Join('giftoccasions', 'gifts.id', '=', 'giftoccasions.giftid')
->where('gifts.gender', '=', "male")
->orwhere('gifts.gender', '=', "any")
->where('giftoccasions.occasionid', '=', "2")
->where('giftoccasions.relationshipid', '=', "1")
->Where('giftcategory.categoryid', '=', "0")
->orWhere('giftcategory.categoryid', '=', "1");


要将advanced where与参数分组一起使用:

$giftQuery = DB::table('gifts')
    ->join('giftcategory', 'gifts.id', '=', 'giftcategory.giftid')
    ->join('giftoccasions', 'gifts.id', '=', 'giftoccasions.giftid')
    ->where(function($query) {
        $query->where('gifts.gender', '=', "male")
            ->orWhere('gifts.gender', '=', "any");
    ->where('giftoccasions.occasionid', '=', "2")
    ->where('giftoccasions.relationshipid', '=', "1")
    ->where('giftcategory.categoryid', '=', "0")
    ->orWhere('giftcategory.categoryid', '=', "1");


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