I'm new to Traits, but I have a lot of code that is repeating in my functions, and I want to use Traits to make the code less messy. I have made a Traits directory in my Http directory with a Trait called BrandsTrait.php. And all it does is call on all Brands. But when I try to call BrandsTrait in my Products Controller, like this:

use App\Http\Traits\BrandsTrait;

class ProductsController extends Controller {

    use BrandsTrait;

    public function addProduct() {

        //$brands = Brand::all();

        $brands = $this->BrandsTrait();

        return view('admin.product.add', compact('brands'));

it gives me an error saying Method [BrandsTrait] does not exist. Am I suppose to initialize something, or call it differently?


namespace App\Http\Traits;

use App\Brand;

trait BrandsTrait {
    public function brandsAll() {
        // Get all the brands from the Brands Table.


想一想你的特点,比如在一个不同的地方定义一个可以被许多班级共享的班级.通过在你的班级中排名use BrandsTrait,它就有了这个部分.

What you want to write is

$brands = $this->brandsAll();

That is the name of the method in your trait.




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