在我的laravel项目中,我使用DOMPDF从htmlBlade 文件生成pdf.我想按语言 Select 显示印地语或古吉拉特语文本.这是我的控制器代码.


    if(isset($view) && $view!=''){
        return $pdf->stream($name.'.pdf');
    } else {
        return $pdf->download($name.'.pdf');

以下是Blade 文件中的代码.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
    <meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">

<style type="text/css">
        padding: 15px;
    <?php if($header->lang== 'Guj'){ ?> 
    * {
        font-family: 'noto serif gujarati', sans-serif;
    <?php } else if($header->lang == 'Hindi'){ ?>
    * { 
        font-family: 'tiro devanagari hindi', sans-serif; 
    <?php } ?>
   <body>{{Content fetched from database either in Hindi or Gujarati}}</body>

I have downloaded ttf font files for Noto Serif Gujarati and Tiro Devnagari and copy under projectfolder/storage/fonts Folder. I have also tried using face font css with file path of ttf file. But result is same so, working with less code. I have set collation and charset as utf8_unicode_ci in database and getting text properly from database, tested printing html view. Now issue is that text is showing in Hindi or gujarati but text is not showing properly as per my requirement. For example I want to show text like "ચિત્ર જોઈ તેનો પહેલો મૂળાક્ષર શોધો". But it is showing like this enter image description here

Same way in hindi I want to show text like "कौन सा जीव धीमी गति से चलता है ?" But it is showing like this enter image description here



所以,在付出了很多努力之后,我 Select 了另一种 Select .我用以下方式呈现我的观点

return view('my-html.pdffile',['header'=>$header,'data'=>$data,'footer'=>$footer]);

在我的-html.pdffileBlade 文件中,我允许用户使用window.print脚本下载pdf,如下所示.

var is_chrome = function () { return Boolean(window.chrome); }
    //  setTimeout(function(){window.close();}, 10000);
    //  give them 10 seconds to print, then close




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