I have an array variable $screenshots that I am trying to pass to my Laravel view. Usually, I would use the @foreach and loop through the array, but I want to pass the full array to a Vue component by defining it as a prop. I want to do this so that I can loop over the array in the component. I am getting the htmlentities() expects parameter 1 to be string, array given error.


Here is my blade template:


    <ticket-edit id="edit-ticket" single-ticket="{{ $ticket }}" screenshots="{{ $files }}">




    export default {

        template: '#edit-ticket-template',

        props: ['SingleTicket', 'screenshots'],

        data: function() {
            return {
                ticket: [],
                screenshots: []

        methods: {
            getTicket() {
                return this.ticket = JSON.parse(this.SingleTicket);

            getScreenshots() {
                return this.screenshots = JSON.parse(this.files);

            createNotes: function () {
                var ticketNotes = $('.summernote');
                    height: 260,
                    toolbar: [
                        ['style', ['bold', 'italic', 'underline', 'clear', 'strikethrough']],
                        ['fontsize', ['fontsize']],
                        ['para', ['ul', 'ol']],

        created: function() {

        ready: function() {


EDIT: When I am adding attachments, I am using json_encode to encode the path to the attachments. Then when I retrieve them, I run json_decode in my model like so $files = json_decode($ticket->screenshots); So my controller looks like this:

public function edit($sub_domain, $id)
    $ticket = Ticket::find($id);
    $files = json_decode($ticket->screenshots);

    return view('templates.tickets-single', compact('ticket', 'files'));


This works - it was hard to find this answer on the web so I hope it helps! You have to bind it.

      v-bind:SingleTicket="{{  json_encode($ticket) }}"
      v-bind: screenshots ="{{  json_encode($files) }}"

Yeah I don't think you need to json_encode the single ticket but you get the point.




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