For example - this function uses a facade:



我查看了Laravel 4.2文档——这是我使用的版本——以及api参考,但我找不到任何东西可以向不知道如何找到facade的"真实"类的人解释.

tutorial on Laravel facades条给出了一种做这件事的方法,包括

  • 寻找File
  • looking to see that it extends class Facade
  • 通过Facade#__callstatic()方法跟踪代码
  • getFacadeAccessor()返回字符串files时跟踪__callstatic()resolveFacadeInstance()的行为
  • 等等等等
  • ... too long / many steps to post

This is a good demonstration of whats going on, but I wouldn't want to do this regularly.

My question is, knowing that the "facaded classes" you use in your app dont necessarily have a the same name or some convention to help you search the filesystem, how can someone - who doesn't know in advance what the underlying class is - find the underlying class for a laravel facade?




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