我有带Apache2的PHP,我想在没有Artisan的情况下运行Laravel框架,但我不能!有人知道如何在没有 artisan 的情况下管理拉威尔吗?


I've solved the problem. The problem was in my htaccess and in mod_rewrite (Apache2). Now I can connect to my application only by typing localhost/public..


  • 将根目录中的"server.php"文件重命名为"index.php"
  • Move your .htaccess from public folder to root directory
  • 使Apache2(set correct file/folder permissions)可以访问您的目录.


Important Edit

考虑使用Apache Virtual Hosts(指向虚拟主机到/公共LaaLip文件夹),而不是重命名服务器.php来索引.php,因为这样做,在视图中使用Laravel的asset()函数时,需要加上前缀"public/".

When working with other devs, who are using a different configuration, this might be a big problem because they will be able to see the assets while you will not (or viceversa).



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