I have a one to many relationship between Device and Command models (each Device has many commands). Now I want to update a collection of commands using save() method. So, I used the following code:

$device = Device::find(1);
$commands = $device->commands()->whereStatus("pending")->get();

$commands->status = "sent";

但我得到了一个FatalErrorException的异常,错误信息是Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Collection::save().

In other words, I am looking for an equivalent MySQL query of the following in the Eloquent:

UPDATE commands SET status = 'sent' WHERE status = 'pending';

使用Laravel 4.2


You could try the update method on the \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder object:

$queryBuilder = $device->commands()->whereStatus("pending");
$queryBuilder->update(array("status" => "sent"));




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