I have a login form which has email and password fields. And I have two submit buttons, one for login ( if user is already registered ) and the other one for registration ( for new users ). As the login action and register action are different so I need some way to redirect the request with all the post data to its respective action. Is there a way to achieve this in Laravel 4 in pure Laravel way?


The way I would do it


{{ Form::open(array('url' => 'test/auth')) }}
{{ Form::email('email') }}
{{ Form::password('password') }}
{{ Form::password('confirm_password') }}
<input type="submit" name="login" value="Login">
<input type="submit" name="register" value="Register">
{{ Form::close() }}

Create a controller 'TestController'


Route::post('test/auth', array('uses' => 'TestController@postAuth'));

In TestController you'd have one method that checks which submit was clicked on and two other methods for login and register


class TestController extends BaseController {

    public function postAuth()
        //check which submit was clicked on
        if(Input::get('login')) {
            $this->postLogin(); //if login then use this method
        } elseif(Input::get('register')) {
            $this->postRegister(); //if register then use this method


    public function postLogin()
        echo "We're logging in";
        //process your input here Input:get('email') etc.

    public function postRegister()
        echo "We're registering";
        //process your input here Input:get('email') etc.





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