I recently started to build a large social network, and and I thought my structure was good but it turned out I built this logic up badly.

I mixed my views with AngularJS (bad idea), skipped blade extension, but since I'm using a lot of block and sidebar includes it became a pain in the butt.

Currently I am just handling form validations with angular, but actually all of my site pages will require ajax, data pulling, etc.

我在网上搜索时发现,Angular 视图存储在公共文件夹中,但是既然我所有的页面都将使用Angular 视图,那么将我所有的视图存储在公共位置,并且只使用Laravel作为后端是不是一个好主意?


Any help hint appreciated.



  1. 仅客户端渲染

    这是大多数web应用程序使用的更简单的方法.在本例中,您将使用Laravel作为API端点,该端点将返回JSON.Angular可以通过其$http$resource服务查询这些数据,并编译存储在公用文件夹中的模板.Angular 模板只是带有指令和一些{var}}语句的HTML.这样也可以完成所有的布线.

  2. 服务器端和客户端呈现

    This is the harder way where Laravel would do the routing and compile some templates on the server-side. You would use Angular only for some interactions on the site in a way you would use jQuery for example. The benefit of this approach is performance as users will get the full HTML the first time they visit your site. The disadvantage is that you may have to write some logic twice and can’t use some of Angular’s features.


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