I was trying to provide a common DataStore<Preferences> so that the same preference file could be used in multiple places but I got the helpful error message:

找不到符号:DaggerMyApplication\u HiltComponents\u SingletonC.建筑商()

object DataStoreModule {
    fun provideDataStore(@ApplicationContext context: Context): DataStore<Preferences> = context.createDataStore("settings")

I can however do the following and use it within an @Inject constructor.

class DataStoreProvider @Inject constructor(@ApplicationContext context: Context) {

    val dataStore: DataStore<Preferences> = context.createDataStore("settings")



This worked for me:

    fun dataStore(@ApplicationContext appContext: Context): DataStore<Preferences> =

The idea is putting @Singleton behind the provider method.

Update on Feb 9, 2021:
Preferably, create a manager and provide that:

class DataStoreManager(appContext: Context) {

    private val settingsDataStore = appContext.createDataStore("settings")

    suspend fun setThemeMode(mode: Int) {
        settingsDataStore.edit { settings ->
            settings[Settings.NIGHT_MODE] = mode

    val themeMode: Flow<Int> = settingsDataStore.data.map { preferences ->
        preferences[Settings.NIGHT_MODE] ?: AppCompatDelegate.MODE_NIGHT_UNSPECIFIED



class AppModule {
    fun dataStoreManager(@ApplicationContext appContext: Context): DataStoreManager =

Update on March 20, 2021:
Version 1.0.0-alpha07

private val Context.dataStore by preferencesDataStore("settings")

class DataStoreManager(appContext: Context) {

    private val settingsDataStore = appContext.dataStore

    suspend fun setThemeMode(mode: Int) {
        settingsDataStore.edit { settings ->
            settings[Settings.NIGHT_MODE] = mode

    val themeMode: Flow<Int> = settingsDataStore.data.map { preferences ->
        preferences[Settings.NIGHT_MODE] ?: AppCompatDelegate.MODE_NIGHT_UNSPECIFIED

Update on May 1, 2021:


private val Context.dataStore by preferencesDataStore("settings")

@Singleton //You can ignore this annotation as return `datastore` from `preferencesDataStore` is singletone
class DataStoreManager @Inject constructor(@ApplicationContext appContext: Context) {

    private val settingsDataStore = appContext.dataStore

    suspend fun setThemeMode(mode: Int) {
        settingsDataStore.edit { settings ->
            settings[Settings.NIGHT_MODE] = mode

    val themeMode: Flow<Int> = settingsDataStore.data.map { preferences ->
        preferences[Settings.NIGHT_MODE] ?: AppCompatDelegate.MODE_NIGHT_UNSPECIFIED



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