
public class BookmarkablePageLink<T> extends Link<T> {

    public <C extends Page> BookmarkablePageLink(final String id, final Class<C> pageClass)

现在我想从Kotlin 那里给这个打电话:

item.queue(BookmarkablePageLink("link", bookmark.page))

bookmark.page用Java表示,它是:public Class<? extends WebPage> getPage()

None of these work:

item.queue(BookmarkablePageLink("link", bookmark.page))

Error: Not enough information to infer parameter T in constructor Bookmarkable PageLink<T : Any!, C : Page!>(...)

item.queue(BookmarkablePageLink<>("link", bookmark.page))

item.queue(BookmarkablePageLink<Any>("link", bookmark.page))

item.queue(BookmarkablePageLink<Any, *>("link", bookmark.page))

item.queue(BookmarkablePageLink<Any, WebPage>("link", bookmark.page))

item.queue(BookmarkablePageLink<Any, in WebPage>("link", bookmark.page))

item.queue(BookmarkablePageLink<Any, out WebPage>("link", bookmark.page))

item.queue(BookmarkablePageLink<Any, T : WebPage>("link", bookmark.page))

This would be the "hypothetically correct" way to do this in Javaish-speak (just the intention, but it's not real code), but this isn't supported by Kotlin:

item.queue(BookmarkablePageLink<Any, ? extends WebPage>("link", bookmark.page))


item.queue(BookmarkablePageLink<Any, WebPage>("link", bookmark.page as Class<WebPage>))

Surprisingly in Java this was simply:

item.queue(new BookmarkablePageLink<>("link", bookmark.getPage() ));


I am creating a answer from all the best comments because those already seem very valuable.


BookmarkablePageLink<Any, WebPage>("link", bookmark.page as Class<WebPage>)

Also fair is @AlexeyRomanov's intermediate variable (or a similar intermediate function):

val link: BookmarkablePageLink<Any> = BookmarkablePageLink("link", bookmark.page)

对于所有通过谷歌找到这个问题的人来说,同样有价值的可能是Kotlin vs Java处理类型差异的简短总结,如Kotlin's documentation中所述:

  • 在Java中,处理是在调用站点使用通配符(不能使用通配符,因为调用站点位于Kotlin中)
  • 在Kotlin中,处理是在声明站点使用inout个关键字(您不能使用,因为您的声明是Java的)

Additionally, Java constructors at call-site only allow to specify type arguments from the class, while in Kotlin the constructor call has two type arguments: one from the class and the other from the constructor. So in Java, we have to say

new BookmarkablePageLink<T>("something", Page.class)

and in Kotlin

BookmarkablePageLink<T, Page>("something", Page::class.java)


Given that Kotlin chose an approach for variant types which is the exact opposite of Java's, I am still happy, that we only need workarounds in so few cases. ;-)







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