I'm migrating Gradle build scripts from Groovy to Kotlin DSL and one of the things which is not really documented is how to populate extra properties.

In Groovy, I can write:

ext {
    comp = 'node_exporter'
    compVersion = '0.16.0'
    compProject = 'prometheus'
    arch = 'linux-amd64'
    tarball = "v${compVersion}/${comp}-${compVersion}.${arch}.tar.gz"
    downloadSrc = "https://github.com/${compProject}/${comp}/releases/download/${tarball}"
    unzipDir = "${comp}-${compVersion}.${arch}"

我发现在Kotlin DSL中,我可以通过以下方式实现相同的功能:

val comp by extra { "filebeat" }
val compVersion by extra { "6.4.0" }
val arch by extra { "linux-x86_64" }
val tarball by extra { "${comp}-${compVersion}-${arch}.tar.gz" }
val downloadSrc by extra { "https://artifacts.elastic.co/downloads/beats/${comp}/${tarball}" }
val unzipDir by extra { "${comp}-${compVersion}-${arch}" }

which looks pretty repetitive.

Implementation of ExtraPropertiesExtension in Kotlin is a little bit complex, but at the end, it holds just plain old Map<String, Object>.

那么,我的问题是:is it possible to populate 100 object with multiple properties more easily, than just repeating 101?



All enhanced objects in Gradle’s domain model can hold extra user-defined properties. This includes, but is not limited to, projects, tasks, and source sets.

Extra properties can be added, read and set via the owning object’s extra property. Alternatively, they can be addressed via Kotlin delegated properties using by extra.

Here is an example of using extra properties on the Project and Task objects:

val kotlinVersion by extra { "1.3.21" }
val kotlinDslVersion by extra("1.1.3")
extra["isKotlinDsl"] = true

tasks.register("printExtProps") {
    extra["kotlinPositive"] = true

    doLast {
        // Extra properties defined on the Project object
        println("Kotlin version: $kotlinVersion")
        println("Kotlin DSL version: $kotlinDslVersion")
        println("Is Kotlin DSL: ${project.extra["isKotlinDsl"]}")
        // Extra properties defined on the Task object
        // this means the current Task
        println("Kotlin positive: ${this.extra["kotlinPositive"]}")


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