In Java, we've always been reminded to use myString.isEmpty() to check whether a String is empty. In Kotlin however, I find that you can use either myString == "" or myString.isEmpty() or even myString.isBlank().


Thanks in advance for feeding my curiosity. :D


不要使用myString == "",在java中,这将是myString.equals(""),这也不推荐使用.


isBlank checks that a char sequence has a 0 length or that all indices are white space. isEmpty only checks that the char sequence length is 0.

 * Returns `true` if this string is empty or consists solely of whitespace characters.
public fun CharSequence.isBlank(): Boolean = length == 0 || indices.all { this[it].isWhitespace() }

 * Returns `true` if this char sequence is empty (contains no characters).
public inline fun CharSequence.isEmpty(): Boolean = length == 0





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