据我所知,Java是从this post开始按值传递的.我来自Java背景,我想知道Kotlin使用什么来传递其间的值.比如ExtensionsMethods等等.


It uses the same principles like Java. It is always pass-by-value, you can imagine that a copy is passed. For primitive types, e.g. Int this is obvious, the value of such an argument will be passed into a function and the outer variable will not be modified. Please note that parameters in Kotlin cannot be reassigned since they act like vals:

fun takeInt(a: Int) {
    a = 5

This code will not compile because a cannot be reassigned.

For objects it's a bit more difficult but it's also call-by-value. If you call a function with an object, a copy of its reference is passed into that function:

data class SomeObj(var x: Int = 0)

fun takeObject(o: SomeObj) {
    o.x = 1

fun main(args: Array<String>) {
    val obj = SomeObj()
    println("obj after call: $obj") // SomeObj(x=1)

You can use a reference passed into a function to change the actual object.





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