private val repositories = mutableListOf<String>()

private val repositories = ArrayList<String>()

Both are mutable list, then what is the point of two keywords mutableListOf or ArrayList?

or is there any major difference?



When you write val a = mutableListOf(), you're saying "I want a mutable list, and I don't particularly care about the implementation". When you write, instead, val a = ArrayList(), you're saying "I specifically want an ArrayList".


Now, let's say that a future version of Kotlin changes mutableListOf to return a different type of list.


On the other hand, maybe you spent a bunch of time thinking about your problem, and figured that ArrayList really is the best fit for your problem, and you don't want to risk getting moved to something sub-optimal. Then you probably want to either use ArrayList directly, or use the arrayListOf factory function (an ArrayList-specific analogue to mutableListOf).



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