I see multiple sources claiming that an exception happening inside an async{} block is not delivered anywhere and only stored in the Deferred instance. The claim is that the exception remains "hidden" and only influences things outside at the moment where one will call await(). This is often described as one of the main differences between launch{} and async{}. Here is an example.


According to this claim, at least the way I understand it, the following code should not throw, since no-one is calling await:

// throws
runBlocking {
  async { throw Exception("Oops") }




// does not throw
runBlocking {
  async(SupervisorJob()) { throw Exception("Oops") }

This seems reasonable since supervisor job is meant to swallow failures.

And now comes the part I do not understand at all. If we pass Job(), the code still runs without throwing, even though Job() is supposed to propagate failures to its parent scope:

// does not throw. Why?
runBlocking {
  async(Job()) { throw Exception("Oops") }



In some sense, the mess you experience is a consequence of Kotlin coroutines having been an early success, before they became stable. In their experimental days, one thing they lacked was structured concurrency, and a ton of web material got written about them in that state (such as your link 1 from 2017). Some of the then-valid preconceptions remained with people even after their maturation, and got perpetuated in even more recent posts.

实际情况非常清楚-您所要理解的就是协程层次 struct ,它是通过Job个对象进行中介的.不管它是launch还是async,或者任何其他的协程构建器-它们的行为都是一致的.

With this in mind, let's go through your examples:

runBlocking {
  async { throw Exception("Oops") }


runBlocking {
  async(SupervisorJob()) { throw Exception("Oops") }

在这里,您提供了一个没有父级的独立作业(job)实例.这打破了协程层次 struct ,runBlocking不会失败.事实上,runBlocking件事甚至不需要等你的协同程序完成--加一个delay(1000)来验证这一点.

runBlocking {
  async(Job()) { throw Exception("Oops") }

这里没有新的理由——JobSupervisorJob,这无关紧要.你打破了协同程序的层次 struct ,失败不会传播.

Now let's explore a few more variations:

runBlocking {
    async(Job(coroutineContext[Job])) {
        throw Exception("Oops")


runBlocking {
    async(Job(coroutineContext[Job])) {
        println("Coroutine done")

Same as above, but now we don't throw an exception and the async coroutine completes normally. It prints Coroutine done, but then something unexpected happens: runBlocking does not complete, and the program hangs forever. Why?


Now, in the first case, where you didn't provide an explicit job, the parent job is the one internally created by runBlocking. It automatically completes when the runBlocking coroutine completes. But completion doesn't propagate to the parent the way cancellation does — you wouldn't want everything stopping just because one child coroutine completed normally.



runBlocking {
    async(SupervisorJob(coroutineContext[Job])) {
        throw Exception("Oops")

This just runs forever without any output, because SupervisorJob swallows the exception.


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