
class SomeInfo(
        @NotNull @Pattern(regexp = Constraints.EMAIL_REGEX) var value: String) {
    var id: Long? = null


@RequestMapping(value = "/some-info", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public Id create(@Valid @RequestBody SomeInfo someInfo) {

@Valid annotation doesn't work.

It seems Spring needs a default parameterless constructor and fancy code above becomes in something ugly (but working) like this:

class SomeInfo() {

    constructor(value: String) {
            this.value = value

        @NotNull @Pattern(regexp = Constraints.EMAIL_REGEX) 
        lateinit var value: String

        var id: Long? = null

Any good practice to make it less wordy?



Seems Spring needs these annotations to be applied to a field. But Kotlin will apply these annotations to the constructor parameter. Use field: specifier when applying an annotation to make it apply to a field. The following code should work fine for you.

class SomeInfo(
    @field:Pattern(regexp = Constraints.EMAIL_REGEX)
    var value: String
) {
    var id: Long? = null


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