You can use the Kotlin plug-ins for Intellij and Eclipse to convert Java files to Kotlin. Can this conversion be done from the command line some how without either of these IDEs?


It seems that it's possible, but there's no tool for that, just code. There are tests in j2k module in Kotlin Github repository, the example below is taken from the tests (AbstractJavaToKotlinConverterSingleFileTest):

private fun fileToKotlin(text: String, settings: ConverterSettings, project: Project): String {
    val file = createJavaFile(text)
    val converter = JavaToKotlinConverter(project, settings,
                                          IdeaReferenceSearcher, IdeaResolverForConverter)
    return converter.filesToKotlin(listOf(file), J2kPostProcessor(formatCode = true)).results.single()

I suppose, you can make a .jar of that module and write your own simple wrapper for JavaToKotlinConverter to make it work on files.


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