Suppose I have some Utils.kt file which will contain only some utility functions, no classes, no objects. And suppose that those functions use some common set of constant values.


package myapp

private val CONST1 = 1
private val CONST2 = 2

public fun function1() {}
public fun function2() {}

Unfortunately Kotlin treats private as "available to the whole package". So CONST1 and CONST2 are available to all files which are in the same package. The only way to isolate them is to move this file to a separate package.

但是,如果我有几个类似这样的实用程序文件,每个文件都有自己的private个常量集,会怎么样呢?那么我只有两个 Select :将它们中的每一个都移动到一个唯一的包中,或者放弃,让它们的const可以在任何地方访问.

Either way seems to create clutter.

有什么 Select 或建议吗?




Top-level declarations with private visibility are visible only in the file where they are declared.

(original answer, valid when the question was asked: Kotlin does not have any concept of file-local scope, and to the best of my knowledge there are no plans to introduce it. If you don't like package scope (why?), you can create an object encapsulating the functions and the private constants that they use.


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