To be honest go has spoiled me. With go I got used to having a strict formatting standard that is being enforced by my editor (vim) and is almost accepted and followed by everybody else on the team and around the world.

I wanted to format JSON files on save the same way.

问:如何在保存到vim时自动格式化/缩进/lint json文件.


感谢Ammontu和Jose B,这就是我最终要做的:

WARNING this will overwrite your buffer. So if you OPEN a json file that already has a syntax error, you will lose your whole file (or can lose it).


" Ali: to indent json files on save
autocmd FileType json autocmd BufWritePre <buffer> %!python -m json.tool

you need to have python on your machine, of course.

EDIT:如果json有错误,下一个不应该覆盖缓冲区.这使它成为了正确的答案,但由于我对Vim脚本或shell没有很好的理解,所以我将它作为一个实验性的东西,如果你觉得幸运的话,你可以try 一下.这可能也取决于你的shell .你被警告了.

" Ali: to indent json files on save
autocmd FileType json autocmd BufWritePre <buffer> %!python -m json.tool 2>/dev/null || echo <buffer>






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